
Hoi4 death or dishonor release date
Hoi4 death or dishonor release date

hoi4 death or dishonor release date

Other (non-nation) changes include an equipment conversion feature that allows you to turn captured enemy gear into a more usable local variant, and the ability to convert older equipment into more up-to-date variants. Finally, Yugoslavia gets a slew of options for handling the increasing unrest from angry Croatian separatists and poor national unity. Czech is allowed to focus more on denying the Germans the Sudetenland, or willingly giving up the region in an attempt to keep some autonomy. Romania focuses on dealing with their lavish king and his ornate lifestyle, which deeply affects the efficiency of the government. Hungary, for example, becomes one of the most interesting of these countries when it's given the ability to invite the Habsburgs back into power and reform the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And it really changes the gameplay for certain countries. These added focus trees are the major change you'll see with the Death or Dishonor DLC. Paradox could have put more effort into these countries as well, considering they are influenced greatly by this DLC. Unfortunately, this leaves Austria and Bulgaria sitting there, completely out of place with no change to their National Focus trees. Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia are the four countries this Hearts of Iron IV DLC targets - adding a range of country events, leader portraits, music, and most importantly, unique national focus trees. Instead, this DLC is focused on the Balkan area of Europe. Because in spite of whatever historically informed opinion you might have, Death or Dishonor doesn't have anything to do with Japan, or Asia, or anything even vaguely relevant to that part of the world.

hoi4 death or dishonor release date

Sorry China - you'll just have to deal with the generic national focus tree Paradox cursed you with.

Hoi4 death or dishonor release date