Abstract: This paper introduces the first effort to quantitatively document the small arms market by collating field reports and journalist accounts to produce a cross-country time-series price index of Kalashnikov assault rifles. Bailey's Crossroads appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage. Now, includes a beach wood coloured (like the vanilla texture) foregrip as an option! In Killing Hope, William Blum, author of the bestselling Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, provides a devastating and comprehensive account of America's covert and overt military actions in the world, all the way from. to make every CoD fan tear up.For the longest time, I always wondered how anyone could actually even locate twenty of these stupid guns just to give to Pronto in Paradise Falls but I finally figured out a method without trying to. I imagine in future DLCs more weapons will be added and obviously there will be a plethora of "real world" weapon mods with plenty of generic M16/M4, AK, FAL, ect. Additionally the lack of difference between the "Combat" series of weapons also dissapoints me, I would have liked to seen far more variation between the Combat Shotgun, Rifle, and Sniper (at least when you start to upgrade them) as they just seem to blend together too much. I agree that the "Assault Rifle" is weird because it's based more closely on an old Lewis Machine Gun from WWI, it should probably have been labeled as a Machine Gun rather than an Assault Rifle.

practical story reasons (an example would be the Pancor Jackhammer, since it was never built outside of less than a handful of prototypes and it was all the rage in the 90's for games and movies to use.)īethseda introducing more "period correct" firearms for the Fallout Universe doesn't seem all that out of place (though why it uses 5.56x45mm when many of the games seem to imply it wasn't really an accepted military round is a bit weird to be honest), though some of them I am not that happy with. It looks more like Fallout 1 & 2 threw some generic weapons that were popular in 90's games and movies for familarity vs. actual story reasons (considering that all the above weapons fire cartidges that are NOT commonly adopted by Fallout militaries, it would not make sense for them to even bother developing/obtaining them for use in their world). Additionally weapons such as the generic M16/M4, AK, and FAL persuasion are more or less thrown in for familiarity vs. 308 (apparently 7.62x51mm either does not exist or it is not specified in this Universe).

Infact the military heavily uses the 10mm, 5mm. Supposedly in the Fallout Universe 5.56x45mm/.223REM, 9x19mm, and 7.62x39mm were not commonly adopted cartidges of the major militaries in the world as they are in our reality.

To be honest, the simple "generic" weapons of the previous games didn't really make sense either.